10 Interesting Cinnamon Tea Benefits

July 22nd, 2021 by Team Nature Essentials

N3- Cinnamon Tea Benefits

Do you want to add cinnamon in your tea but are reluctant to do so because you are unaware of cinnamon tea benefits? If so, then in this article, your problem will get solved as we will discuss the exciting benefits of this tea.

Cinnamon is a popular spice, and people use it quite often due to its delicious flavor. But if you get to know its benefits, you will never miss it from your meal.

So, to know the advantages of cinnamon tea and the supplements you can take, delve into the article.

Cinnamon Tea Benefits: Overview

Cinnamon can be defined as a spice that we can get from multiple tree species from the Cinnamon genus. We take it from the inner bark of such trees.

It has a pretty good aroma, and we can utilize it as a condiment to add flavor to your dishes and foods. From your breakfast items, snack foods to traditional savory foods, you can mix them in every food.

This phenomenal spice has a lot of health benefits. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants and strengthens your immune system. Moreover, it can lower your blood sugar level. Let’s discuss all these perks of taking cinnamon in detail. Here is an article recommended for you suggesting you the best cinnamon supplements by Nature’s Essentials along with their dosage and side effects.

Loaded With Antioxidants

Antioxidants play a vital role in fighting off oxidation that occurs due to free radicals. They are harmful molecules that can destroy your cells. Consequently, you may have to suffer from various health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, etc.

So, if you want to remain healthy by getting rid of free radicals, cinnamon tea can be a good option. Significantly they are rich in polyphenol antioxidants. A study has proved that the antioxidant properties of cinnamon are far better than various other popular foods.

In addition to that, it can improve the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), which means the number of free radicals your body can combat jumps. Also, it tastes and smells well; therefore, it is worth a try.

Lower Inflammation and May Improve Heart Health

Inflammation is pretty significant for your overall health. But if it is chronic or remains persistent. Then you may likely have to get various diseases, including life-threatening heart diseases.

Furthermore, studies have proved that cinnamon can alleviate your blood pressure too. In addition to that, it can reduce the level of LDL or bad cholesterol in your body that can become the root cause of several heart-related diseases.

On the other hand, it may enhance the HDL levels that promote the good health of the heart. It can eliminate the extra cholesterol from blood vessels so you can get better heart health.

A particular type of cinnamon named cassia cinnamon can reduce the chances of narrowing of blood vessels. In this way, you will not get blood clots.

It is worth mentioning here that it is essential to consume cinnamon tea in an adequate amount. If you exceed the quantity, you may have to go through multiple issues, including liver damage. Here is an article recommended for you suggesting you the right time to take vitamin C, Its potential benefits and side effects.

May Reduce Blood Sugar 

3-cinnamon tea benefits-Reduce Blood Sugar

If you have diabetes, then adding cinnamon to your routine may prove beneficial. It tends to alleviate the level of sugar in your blood.

Mainly it reduces the insulin resistance in your body, so the sugar from your bloodstream gets absorbed in the tissues. So, in this way, your problems related to the blood sugar level will resolve.

After eating a meal, the level of sugar in our blood jumps up. So, cinnamon can slow down the catabolism of carbohydrates. Resultantly you will not get a high level of sugar in your blood.

Now, if you are considering that, how much should you take for better results? So, it is worth mentioning here that you need to consume 12Omg-6grams of cinnamon in powdered form. Moreover, if you go for cinnamon tea, it can prove helpful in lowering sugar levels as well.Here is the article recommended for you providing you the insight into insulin resistance.

May Promote Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, then add cinnamon to your tea. It may assist you in fighting insulin resistance. Most of the time, it is the main reason behind that stubborn fat that does not go away.

According to various studies, it can lose weight only when you consume it in larger quantities. But keep in mind that cinnamon contains coumarin that can become the reason for various health complications, including liver damage and bleeding.

Significantly if you exceed the dosage of cassia cinnamon, it can prove risky as the amount of coumarin in it is way more than Ceylon cinnamon. So, there is a need for more studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of cinnamon in losing weight when taken in a lower quantity.

Fight Off Bacteria and Fungi

Cinnamon has the potential to combat fungi and bacteria. According to multiple test-tube studies, it has become clear that a compound named cinnamaldehyde can prevent the growth of molds, bacteria, and fungi. This compound is the primary component of cinnamon.

If we discuss those microbes that we can prevent by taking cinnamon, then here is the list:

  • Staphylococcus
  • E. Coli
  • Salmonella 

So, these are the common microbes that can become a root cause of several medical conditions in the human. Furthermore, owing to its antibacterial properties, it can lend a helping hand in keeping you away from the damage of teeth and issues of bad breath.

But there is a dire need for more research and studies to prove the effectiveness of cinnamon in this regard.

Easy to Add Your Diet

Cinnamon is quite convenient to add to the diet. Here are some ways you can consume it by adding it to your daily routine.

  • Finely grind it and then sprinkle it on the beverages such as juices, coffees, or shakes.
  • Add it to your dishes. It will enhance the taste of your plate and increase the benefits.
  • In addition to that, you can consume it without mixing or sprinkling.

May Fight Skin Aging

3-cinnamon tea benefits-Fight Skin Aging

Skin aging is a natural phenomenon, and everyone has to experience it. Aging changes the overall look of your face to a great extent. Saggy or loose skin is one of the main signs of aged skin.

The reason behind this sagginess is a reduction in collagen level with age. Collagen is a protein that restores the elasticity of your skin.

So, it is shown by a study that cinnamon can increase the levels of collagen, so your skin may tighten or look younger. Hence, cinnamon tea benefits for skin are in bulk.

May Have Cancer Reducing Properties

The condition in which the cells of your body start to divide uncontrollably is named cancer. They are prevalent and a leading cause of death.

So, you should add such foods in your diet that may have anti-cancer properties, and cinnamon is one of them. Therefore, you should add cinnamon to your routine.

But bear in mind that it may become the reason for various cancers if you overdose with cinnamon. Hence, always take cinnamon in minor quantities.

May Help Fighting HIV

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) can affect your immune system and make it vulnerable so that you may have suffered various diseases.

Several types of research have proved that cinnamon may prove helpful in fighting off against HIV. Therefore, you should consider adding it to your diet to get better results. But be mindful about the quantity.

Try Out Cinnamon Supplements for Faster Results

Supplements can help you in getting faster results from cinnamon. Therefore various brands are selling cinnamon supplements.

But here we will recommend that you should go for Nature’s essentials supplements due to its following prestigious features:

  • It is 100% natural.
  • It has gluten and GMO-free ingredients.
  • It has no coating, so it is easy to digest.
  • It may reduce the sugar level in your blood. 

Their official website describes all the features mentioned above. Therefore, you should give it a try.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In this section, we will give answers to some frequently asked questions related to cinnamon tea benefits.

What does cinnamon do to a female body?

Cinnamon can lend a helping hand if you are suffering from menstrual pain or PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). PMS is a health condition in which women have to go through major or minor changes in their physical, emotional, and behavioral health before some days of their menstrual cycle.

So, if you add cinnamon tea to your diet, it may assist you in fighting off this condition. Moreover, it may help you in normalizing or lowering the flow during the menstrual cycle.

Is it reasonable to drink cinnamon tea at night?

Yes, it can prove beneficial if you drink cinnamon tea at night. Now let’s discuss the benefits of cinnamon tea before bed. Firstly, it relaxes your muscles in this way your tension will go away. Subsequently, you will become able to enjoy deep and sound sleep.

Furthermore, if you consume it for the long term, you will get other benefits. Therefore, if you have overall good health, you can get better sleep.

If you desire to get better results out of it, it is recommended to drink it at least 20-30 minutes before your bedtime.

Is it reasonable to add cinnamon to tea? 

If you add cinnamon to your tea, it will enhance the benefits. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants. It can work as an antibacterial or antifungal agent. Moreover, it may prove effective against various heart diseases.

Additionally, if you mix this beneficial ingredient in the tea, it can lower your blood sugar level. So, keeping in account all these benefits, it can be a frivolous choice to use cinnamon.

How often should I drink cinnamon tea?

It is essential to be conscious of the frequency and amount of cinnamon you consume. If you exceed the amount, you may have to suffer from various side effects.

It is safe to take 0.5-3 grams of cinnamon daily. Add it to your tea and drink it once a day. Do not consume it more than one time.

Final Words

To conclude the discussion, I will say that if you want to enjoy cinnamon tea benefits, it is reasonably necessary to add to your diet and consume it daily. 

Let us know if you are using cinnamon tea or not. Do share your experience whether you find it helpful or not.

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