Do Vitamin D3 and K2 Work Together? Know Proper Dosage and Intake Time

July 21st, 2021 by Team Nature Essentials

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Do you want to know how vitamin D3 and K2 work together? If yes, this article is for you; we will discuss the roles of both vitamins and how they perform functional tasks together.

Bones are a vital part of your body, and you need to give them importance. Both vitamins aim to improve the health of your bones, so it is very significant to know how they work. Thus to know further details dive into the article.

What Is Vitamin D3 and K2?

We divide vitamins into two classes one is fat-soluble, and the other is water-soluble, and both vitamin D and K are fat-soluble. Usually, their bulk amount is present in high-fat foods.

In addition, they work well and get absorbed in your blood if you take them with fat. An extremely excellent source of vitamin D3 is sunlight. When you get sun exposure, your body tends to produce vitamin D3.

Furthermore, you can fulfill your body’s requirements by adding rich vitamin D3 foods such as fish oil, egg yolk, or fatty fish. Vitamin D3 assists your body in the absorption of calcium; moreover, it ensures that your blood has enough calcium level.

If you do not meet your body’s needs for vitamin D3, then you may have to suffer from bone issues such as osteoporosis, osteomalacia, etc.

On the other hand, Vitamin K2 is present in fermented  soybean, cheese. In addition, it is found abundantly in the foods that we take from animals, such as cheese, liver, and egg yolk.

The function of vitamin K2 is to assist in blood clotting. Moreover, it can prove helpful in the accumulation of calcium in your bones and teeth. Here is the article recommended for you the turmeric supplements for weight loss, their usage and their benefits.

Vitamin D3 and K2 Work As A Team

If we talk about calcium metabolism, we can say that they both work together. Here we will elaborate on the role and vitamin D3 and K2 benefits.

Role of Vitamin D3

Our body has the potential to synthesize vitamin D3 on its own when we get exposed to the sunlight. Besides this, several foods are effective sources of vitamin D3, such as cod liver oil, milk, yolk, and salmon.

You may get various health complications if you do not fulfill your body’s requirements of Vitamin D3, as it serves a significant role in your body. Here we will discuss some of its vital functions.

Make Bones Healthy

Vitamin D3 serves a significant role in making your bones stronger by assisting your bones in absorbing calcium from your blood. Moreover, it elevates the levels of phosphorus in your blood.

Especially if kids suffer from a deficiency of Vitamin D3, they may likely have to go through rickets. On the other hand, in adults, the softening of bones may result in a condition called osteomalacia.

In addition, due to the deficiency of vitamin D3, several people have to suffer from osteoporosis. Here is the article recommended for you providing you the importance of calcium for bone health.

May Lower the Risk of Various Illnesses, Including Flu

A study conducted back in 2018 proved that vitamin D3 could lend a helping hand in preventing you from the influenza virus. However, more research is needed to find out the effectiveness as some studies have negated this idea.

Role of Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 serves to perform several significant tasks. Here is the description of those tasks.

May Strengthen Your Bones and Teeth

1- vitamin D3 and K2-May Strengthen Your Bones and Teeth

Multiple studies suggested the effectiveness of vitamin K2 in making your bones more strong. In addition to that, it enhances the density of your bones, so the chances of fractures lessen.

In addition, it activates a protein named Matrix GLA that limits the accumulation of calcium in your blood vessels or kidneys. However, more research is required to prove whether vitamin K2 tends to make your bones strong or not. 

May Improve Heart Health 

When the minerals are deposited in your arteries, this condition is named mineralization. Vitamin K2 assists in preventing this condition, so your blood pressure will remain low.

Older people get mineralization quite often, and it leads to various heart complications. Hence if you want to lower the risk of getting heart diseases, it is crucial to take an adequate quantity of vitamin K2 in your diet.

May Better Your Cognitive Health

With the increase in age, several people witness that their cognitive health is damaging, so in this case, it is better to focus on consuming an adequate amount of vitamin K2 either by a balanced diet or by supplements.

Moreover, it is proved by a study that individuals who were more than seventy years old and had a high vitamin K2 level in their blood show better cognitive health.

Is Vitamin D3 Harmful Without Vitamin K2

If you have a low amount of vitamin K2 and a higher level of vitamin D3 in your body, then there are chances that you may get heart disease or blood vessel calcification.

Here are some vitamin D3 and K2 side effects you may have to suffer. But it is worth mentioning here that no research has proved these ideas yet.

May Cause Hypercalcemia

If you have a high vitamin D3 level in your blood, it may increase calcium levels, and this condition is called hypercalcemia.

Can Cause Blood Vessel Calcification

Hypercalcemia can lead to BVC or blood vessel calcification. A higher level of phosphorus and calcium can cause the accumulation of calcium phosphate in your blood vessels.

BVC Can Lead to Heart Diseases

Experts have said that BVC is one of the primary causes of heart diseases and heart attack. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid overdosing on vitamin D3 if you want to stay away from heart diseases.

Deficiency of Vitamin K2 and BVC

If we take Vitamin K2 in lower quantities, then it can become a reason for BVC. So, having less amount of vitamin K in the blood is dangerous. On the other hand, if you consume vitamin K in higher amounts, then it may assist you in preventing BVC.

Moreover, it is proved by a study in humans that if they take vitamin K2, it can lower the possibility of getting BVC. In this way, we can say that if you take vitamin K in higher quantities, it can keep you away from heart diseases.

We have now comprehended that high doses of vitamin D3 are dangerous. But it is not clear what happens if you take vitamin D in lower doses for a more extended period.

Furthermore, according to a nutritionist, if you take a heavy dose of vitamin D3, it can cause your deficiency of vitamin K2. Still, there is nothing obvious. Yet, there is a need for more research in this context.

Benefits of Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is highly significant to get better health. Here are some benefits that you can get if you add them to your routine.

Enhance Level of Bone Mass

Vitamin D3 can lend a helping hand in improving the condition of your bones and muscles. It makes sure that your bones have enough quantity of vitamin D; otherwise, your bones will become weak, and you may have to suffer from osteoporosis and fractures of bones.

Furthermore, Vitamin D3 assists you in retaining the bone mass. In lower bone mass, you can get osteoporosis, especially in later stages of life.

May Improve Immunity

It may assist you in preventing multiple types of viruses and illnesses. If you have a deficiency of vitamin D3, then you can get diseases more often. However, no research has been conducted yet to prove whether it is effective or not.

Moreover, it may prove helpful in fighting various respiratory tract disorders.

May Pleasant Your Mood

1- vitamin D3 and K2-Pleasant Your Mood

Several studies have shown that patients going through clinical depression have a deficiency of vitamin D3. It is not evident whether this vitamin caused the depression or not.

Again, there is a lack of studies and research to prove vitamin D3’s effectiveness in making mood better and alleviating tension and anxiety.

May Improve Cardiac Health

With the assistance of various studies, it is proven that having enough vitamin D in your body ensures the good health of the heart. It aims to lower your blood pressure. In this way, the possibility of getting a heart stroke alleviates.

We know that heart attacks and other heart-related diseases are some of the leading causes of death worldwide. Therefore you need to give importance to your heart’s health on a priority basis.

May Assist in Reducing Weight

A study proved that the postmenopausal women who took D3 supplements witnessed loss in weight compared to those who do not use them. However, various researches have made it clear that vitamin D has no effect on weight loss for many individuals.

How Can You Purchase Vitamin D3?

Sometimes it is not feasible to meet your body’s vitamin D3 requirements just by diet, so in this case, it is necessary to go for supplements. There is a wide range of vitamin D3 supplements available in the market.

But if you search for supplements that are made up of natural ingredients, you should try Nature’s Essentials. Here is the list of some prestigious features that you can find in this product according to their official website.

  • It is 100% natural.
  • It has gluten-free and non-GMO ingredients.
  • It has no coating. So, it is convenient to digest.
  • They utilize advanced cyclosome technology.
  • It improves your overall health. 

Moreover, if you are concerned about purchasing it, there are two options: first, visit their official website; secondly, you can choose Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

This section will give answers to some of your frequently asked questions related to vitamin D3 and K2.

What do vitamin K2 and D3 do?

A better form of vitamin K2, named K2MK-7, assists inactivation of a protein called osteocalcin. It helps the incorporation of calcium into your bones. On the contrary D3 aids absorption of calcium in your blood. 

Should you take vitamin D3 with K2?

Yes, it is better to take Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 because vitamin D3 can elevate calcium in your blood. Vitamin K2 helps send calcium where needed in the body.

How much K2 and D3 should I take daily?

Adults can consume 120mcg while kids have to reduce this quantity to 90mcg. But make sure to consult your doctor as an overdose may result in various other complications.

Is vitamin K2 safe to take daily?

Yes, it is safe to take vitamin K2 in smaller quantities. But if you get the following symptoms, it is time to curb the usage and consult your physician. Symptoms include:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Enlargement of liver
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Swelling on body

Final Words

To wrap up the discussion, I will say the duo of Vitamin D3 and K2 can do wonders, as discussed in the article. They both are very significant for your overall health. 

Remember, consult your doctor before taking them. Comment below if you want to add anything to the discussion.

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