Melatonin Supplement Review, Uses, Dosage, and Side effects

June 21st, 2021 by Team Nature Essentials

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Are you taking the melatonin overdose and afraid to get various other complications? Then you have reached the right place. This article will help you know the symptoms and side effects that you may suffer due to the overdose of the melatonin hormone.

We all know that melatonin is an excellent hormone that renders valuable chores. But excess of everything is terrible, so the melatonin, if taken in large quantities, can affect your body’s metabolism.  

So, you need to know the possible side effects of the melatonin supplements that you can encounter in the future. Hence, delve into the article to discover more about melatonin supplements and get the answer to your query, “how much melatonin should I take.”

How Much Dose Is Melatonin Overdose?

Before diving into the argument, whether the melatonin overdose can be hazardous to your health or it is fine, it is worth mentioning the definition of melatonin. 

It is a neurohormone that is produced and released in our body by natural mechanisms. Melatonin is directly linked with the sleep cycle; therefore, it is known as the hormone of darkness and sleep.

This hormone is of paramount importance in the regulation of circadian rhythm. This rhythm plays a vital role in our sleep cycle. That’s why it is also called the sleep-wake cycle.

But if you took the melatonin dose in larger quantities for an extended period. In other words, we can state that if you overdose, you may get several health issues.  

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Nevertheless, the effect of overdose on everyone is not the same. Children and aged people might get more severe results if they took heavy doses of melatonin supplements. 

Moreover, the nature of everyone’s body is different. So, never forget to consult your doctor before increasing your dose of the supplement. It is unnecessary that if someone else does not get any adverse effects of the supplement, you will remain unaffected. 

Without the prescription of any doctor, never give melatonin to your young children. Instead of giving them supplements, opt for natural substitutes such as fruits( tomatoes, cherries, grapes, cucumber), grains (barley, oats, etc.), and nuts(flax seeds, sunflower seeds, mustard seeds).

Additionally, struggle to alleviate your child’s screen time and set a sleeping time, and dim all the lights at that time. Hence, by following these fantastic tips, you can make your child go to bed earlier. 

When it comes to adults, the ideal dose is 1-10 milligram (mg). If you take more than that, there are chances of getting side effects. There is no authentic research on melatonin supplement intake and side effects till now. So, for some people, it becomes injurious if they take 30 mg melatonin supplements.

Overall, I will suggest that you begin by taking fewer mg supplements, and if they suit, you then continue with it. Otherwise, contact your physician for further assistance and guidance.

How Much Melatonin Should I Take?

The minimum amount of melatonin that you can take is 0.2mg to 5mg. The best dose is that it assists you in sleep fast without affecting the functioning of your body. However, consider that this range can differ according to your age, body’s sensitivity, and disease, if any.

So, before taking the dosage, take into consideration all the factors. Additionally, it is even better to speak to a doctor or specialist before starting your medication. In this way, your query of “how much melatonin can I take” can be solved.

Symptoms of Melatonin Overdose

As we have mentioned above, an overdose of the melatonin supplement can result in various other health problems. If you are on a heavy dose for a longer period, you may find it difficult to fall asleep earlier. Melatonin supplement overdose can cause nightmares and dreams (that do not make any sense). 

All these things happen due to the disturbance in the circadian rhythms. Moreover, by taking the melatonin supplements in a heavy amount, you will sleep the whole day. Therefore, it can make your day unproductive and it is highly suggested to regulate your melatonin level in the body. 

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In addition to the issues mentioned earlier, you can get various other symptoms as well that are listed below:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Nausea
  • Joint Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Sleepiness

Furthermore, melatonin can have different effects, like it can cause high or low blood pressure in some people. If your blood pressure fluctuates, it becomes significant to normalize it with medicines. Such pills have beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers in them. 

These blockers can intervene with the natural process of melatonin production in your body. It is advised to discuss with your doctor before adding any supplements to your routine if you are taking blood pressure control pills. So, it is not recommended to go for supplements to normalize your melatonin levels in the first place. 

Try to regularize it in natural ways. Some of those natural methods are also mentioned above in the article. So, do research and find the best natural supplements that can play a vital role in maintaining the hormone of darkness.

What Not to Take with Melatonin?

Various things are better not to take with melatonin supplements. If you are taking melatonin, then avoid alcohol from your routine. In addition to that, cut caffeine in any form. These things can affect your circadian rhythm, so as a result, your melatonin levels will also rise or drop. 

In addition to that, various medicines do not go best with supplements. Therefore, it is essential to talk to your doctor before starting supplements if you take other medicines. 

For instance, if a person is taking birth control pills, these tablets can enhance melatonin production in the body. Hence, if you are consuming melatonin supplements and such pills, it can elevate your melatonin levels to an alarming extent. 

Moreover, if you are taking anticoagulant drugs (these tablets aim to decrease the possibility of blood clots), these tablets can thin your blood and reduce the chances of the clot.  

So, if you take melatonin supplements and anticoagulant drugs simultaneously, there is a possibility of bleeding. That’s why health experts advise avoiding going for over-the-counter supplements without consulting a specialist.

If you are using corticosteroids( used for minimizing the symptoms of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.), then melatonin supplements can also be harmful to your health and well-being. 

Furthermore, if you have diabetes and take diabetes medicines daily, then melatonin supplements can create trouble for diabetes medicine in controlling sugar levels in the blood.

By taking too much melatonin in the body, the medicines used for controlling a mental disorder named epilepsy can become less effective. Thus, the patient may experience more seizures.

Your health should be the priority for you, so never go for self-medication. It is always a better option to make an appointment with a doctor and share your details. 

Buy Nature’s Essentials Melatonin Supplements

Nature’s Essentials offers a melatonin supplement with striving features. These pills can aid in the regulation of circadian rhythm. In this way, it can assist you in maximizing your healthy sleep. Furthermore, it has a double layer formula that works in two steps. 

The first layer helps in promoting relaxation. Then the second layer, with the help of dissolution rate, gives you the sustained release. In addition to that, some other prestigious features of Nature’s Essentials supplement are mentioned below. 

  • Its potency is 10 mg.
  • Each packet has 60 tablets.
  • Most of the time they provide you a discount as well.
  • It is a Liposomal and Cyclodextrin formula.
  • This supplement has a travel-friendly size, so you can take it anywhere.
  • According to Nature’s Essentials, it is a 100% natural product.
  • It is gluten-free. So, the people who are allergic to gluten can take it as well.
  • The latest cyclosome delivery technology is another exciting feature of the product.
  • They have no coating; therefore, you can digest them easily. 

Note: This supplement can lend a helping hand to bring your melatonin levels to a normal range. But keep in your mind that supplements are not for every person.

Maybe you are taking any other medication too, or you have some other health issues that can surge by these supplements. Therefore, do not forget to take advice from a doctor before adding any supplement to your diet. 

Final Words

To sum up the discussion, I will say that it is always better to be as natural as possible. Living near nature, eating healthy natural foods, and sleeping early at night can significantly normalize the melatonin level. 

All these supplements are synthetic, so they must have some side effects as well. Hence, it is a frivolous decision to curb the usage of avoidable supplements by maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.  

Furthermore, if you are taking melatonin overdose, it becomes even worse for your health and well-being. Therefore, if it becomes inevitable for you to take melatonin supplements, then do not exaggerate the amount.

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