Turmeric Supplements For Weight Loss – Turmeric Benefits and How To Use It?

July 1st, 2021 by Team Nature Essentials

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Offering mind-blowing benefits, turmeric for weight loss will help reduce your weight along with other health problems. The most essential yellowish antioxidant and anti-inflammatory component of turmeric is Curcumin. It can help you to cope with hypertension, hyperglycemia, and many other metabolic disorders.

Obesity is a widespread health problem that is spreading globally, with rates increasing day by day. If you are a chubby person, you might experience intense depression when people target your overweight body and you face fat-shaming. 

At that time, you want something magical to stop your weight gain. Isn’t it? Is this so, you don’t need to worry anymore, as today’s article will be very helpful for you. Due to its natural cleansing ability, it can expel all the toxins from the liver and reinforce its regular activity. 

What is Turmeric?

Turmeric, a popular spice and essential component for giving bright yellow color to curry powder, is derived from the ground-up roots of the Curcuma longa plant. With its sparkling yellow appearance, this magnetic spice is a significant ingredient for cooking in India, Pakistan, and the Middle East. 

Many recent studies suggest that aside from its contribution to satisfying our need for delicious curry, the role of turmeric benefits for weight loss in obese people is also of great importance. As far as nutrition is concerned, one teaspoon contains 9 calories.

Thanks to turmeric that provides us with a considerable amount of proteins (0.3 gm), fibers (0.7gm), potassium (196 mg), carbohydrates (4gm), and iron (1.65gm). Isn’t it surprising? Well, from now you will indeed consider it more than just a brilliant colored spice!

Turmeric for Weight Loss Benefits

Let’s have a look at the life-changing benefits that turmeric provide us with:

Lowers the Risk of Getting Cardiovascular Diseases 

According to a survey, most of the world’s deaths are due to heart problems. A study revealed that Curcumin present in turmeric might boost the endothelial function. It also improves the activity of the thin membrane protecting the internal chambers of the heart and blood vessels.

It can shield the body against some of the steps directly involved in the onset of heart problems.

May Help Ease Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a joint disease in which joints are swelled to the extreme level. This may cause the bones to deteriorate with time resulting in permanent distortion and physical disability.

Turmeric is now proved to be a safe and long-duration treatment option for patients with Rheumatoid arthritis. A previous study showed that the patients who consume turmeric daily feel notable improvement in their condition after eight to nine months.

Turmeric for weight loss

There have been numerous researches that encourage people to use turmeric to lose weight. This is due to its potential to prevent adipocyte differentiation. In simple words, it can stop the cells that are going to become fat cells.

It is an impactful alternative to heavy medicines for managing obesity, affecting about 30% of the world’s population.

Improve Digestion

Now, the Health benefits of turmeric are discovered to boost your digestive system and treat stomach problems. Especially when it comes to losing weight, first, you have to let your digestive system work properly.

So, to make your digestive system well-functioning, turmeric helps deal with digestive problems such as gas, bloating, and irritable bowels due to its anti-inflammatory characteristics. 

Turmeric is a Good Antioxidant 

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, protects your body from intense harm caused by free radicals. To your knowledge, free radicals belong to a class of chemically active molecules produced inside our bodies. 

Continuous exposure to free radicals can put the body at high risk of getting several diseases. So, Curcumin has protective effects against such harmful molecules.

Curcumin weight loss effects are evident to everyone. It can flush out the numerous kinds of free radicals by controlling enzymes that neutralize them. Therefore, turmeric plays a vital role in preparing your body for the destruction of free radicals. 

Lowers Your Cholesterol 

One of the most important benefits of turmeric is that it helps lower your triglycerides. Triglycerides are the kind of cholesterol you should get rid of as early as possible. It can ultimately lead to heart disease.

Turmeric Side Effects

Turmeric is supposed to have a high concentration of heavy metals. Typically, you can take the average amount of turmeric supplements for almost 8 months at a time. But, don’t forget to consult your doctor before taking it.

Following are some side effects of turmeric:

  • Those with bleeding disorders should consume it carefully, as turmeric supplements may slow blood clotting.
  • Aside from playing a role in boosting digestive health, it can also irritate it when consumed in large amounts. 
  • Doses of 450 mg or more may result in migraine and nausea in some people.
  • People with sensitive skin may experience a skin rash after taking a dose of 8,000 mg of Curcumin.
  • It contains minor amounts of oxalates that may put a person at a high risk of developing kidney stones. Therefore, you should consume it in moderate amounts.
  • Oral intake of high amounts of turmeric without a doctor’s recommendation can lower testosterone levels in men. This could ultimately result in infertility.
  • If you use it during pregnancy, you might end up facing uterine bleeding or contractions. 

Turmeric for weight loss – Ideal choice?

You might have thought, does turmeric help with weight loss? The good news is, yes. Turmeric, the bright yellow-orange spice, can help you cope with your weight loss woes.

It is suggested that drinking a cupful of turmeric tea or hot turmeric water on an empty stomach can help you get rid of extra fats. On a mission to burn your calories, you should turn to turmeric tea to rapidly improve your metabolism and speed up the process of weight loss.

This will surely help you to manage blood sugar levels and inhibit fat cell multiplication. Let me take you through the recipes of turmeric drinks that are effective for weight loss. 

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Recipe #1


  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Black pepper
  • Honey
  • Water


  • Pour some water in a saucepan 
  • Take ½ tsp of finely grated ginger.
  • Add ¼ tsp black pepper powder.
  • Add ¼ tsp of turmeric powder.
  • Turn on the stove and wait for 2-3 minutes for the water to start boiling.
  • When all the flavors are mixed well in water, turn off the stove, and strain the tea.
  • Let it cool for a while.
  • Now, add some honey to sweeten your tea and stir it.

Now, the miracle flavored tea is ready. Make sure to drink it on an empty stomach.

Recipe# 2


  • Turmeric paste
  • Ginger paste
  • Water


  1. Take one cup of water into a saucepan and boil it.
  2. Add ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  3. Then add ½ teaspoon of ginger paste.
  4. Let them simmer for a while.
  5. Strain the mixture.

Your calorie-free tonic is ready. Enjoy it!


Looking for turmeric supplement, Nature’s Essentials offer one of best all in one turmeric supplement.


The top on our list is the Nature’s Essentials turmeric supplement that benefits you in multiple ways. It comes up with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to strengthen your immune system.

This is a most simple supplement which you can use daily to add a pinch of turmeric to your daily routine. If you take this supplement daily, it will improve your digestion that may help you to control obesity.

Vitapost Turmeric Curcumin Plus

This supplement can effectively improve your general health and control obesity. It is because it comprises the best turmeric compounds such as Curcumin, peppercorn, and Bioperine. 

You can take a maximum of two capsules with your routine food. It will be for adding a touch of the organic richness of turmeric to your daily diet.

Vitapost Turmeric & Ginger

Turmeric & ginger are relatives to each other and together make powerful quality ingredients. This product comprises patented Bioperine and peppercorn extracts that effectively improve the absorption of nutrients.

Transparent Labs Turmeric 

Transparent Labs Turmeric is one of the most popular turmeric supplements with a success rate of 95%. The product is a good curcuminoid solution for better health. 

FarmHaven Turmeric Curcumin 

Many turmeric supplements may use ordinary and inefficient ingredients. But this supplement warmly provides a blend of raw turmeric Curcumin paste and 95% standardized curcuminoids turmeric extract. It can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent to boost your heart activity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How much weight can you lose taking turmeric? 

A study revealed that Curcumin could increase weight loss from 1.88 to 4.91% and minimize body fat production from 0.70 to 8.43%. 

What do you mix with turmeric to lose weight?

You can mix turmeric with Ginger paste, honey, black pepper powder, mint leaves, cinnamon powder, etc., to enjoy extra benefits.

When should I drink turmeric water for weight loss?

This turmeric water is best for drinking any time. However, it is notably more beneficial every early morning and right before bedtime. 

What happens if you drink turmeric water every day?

Drinking it daily can help you burn your excess fat and boost your immunity as well. Consuming turmeric water regularly, particularly in the winter, prepares your body to fight against pesky viruses.

Who should not take turmeric?

People who face serious health issues, mainly hindrance of the bile duct, cholangitis, or any biliary disorder, should avoid using turmeric. The reason is it can increase bile secretion. Moreover, turmeric is not recommended for you if you are pregnant. 

Is it Ok to take turmeric before bed?

Yes, you can surely take it before going to bed. Curcumin in turmeric boosts the production of dopamine and lowers your stress levels offering a sound sleep. 


Wrapping it up, as you know, excess of everything is bad. So, you should consume turmeric drinks, raw turmeric, and turmeric supplements according to the doctor’s advice. 

If you have never tried turmeric for weight loss before, you must give it a try right now! It’s time to lose weight. Have a good experience!

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