Can You Give a Dog Melatonin – Are They Safe?

June 25th, 2021 by Team Nature Essentials

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Are you dealing with the stressed-up pup? Surfing the sites to discover, can you give a dog melatonin? OK, keep reading!

First of all, let me clear that melatonin, being a sleeping hormone, is quite safe for you and your canine companion. It improves sleep and reduces hyperactivity, many forms of alopecia, anxiety, and many other conditions in dogs.

Do you know you and your four-legged friend both are mammals? Sounds good? Yes, your doggy can also face a reduction in melatonin for whatever reasons. This insufficient melatonin production can interfere with its internal clock and may lead to insomnia.

So, to fulfill the body’s melatonin desires, you can give synthetic melatonin to your dog in any form, i.e., tablets, drops, supplements, and even injections.

Before combining any supplement with tasty food for your dog, you must gain enough information about the substance you’re going to give your pup. So, without any further delay, let’s dig deep into it.

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a naturally found hormone secreted by the pineal glands (present in the brain center). Once the pineal glands secrete melatonin, it makes its way to every cell of the body. The production of this hormone varies with light and darkness.

The formation of this so-called hormone of darkness is at its peak during the night, just before the intended bedtime. In contrast, daylight suppresses its normal secretion.

As the time of sunlight hours depends on a particular season, the melatonin level of you and your dog is most likely to rise and fall occasionally. These seasonal variations may affect the normal functioning of the reproductive system, thyroid glands, and immune system in both of you.

If you are ever misguided that the pineal gland is the only production site of melatonin, let me correct you. The studies tell that salivary glands, gastrointestinal tracts, skin, esophagus, and even bones can produce it, but obviously in less amount compared to the pineal gland.

Can You Give A Dog Melatonin?

Are you tired of getting the wrong information about the safety of puppy melatonin? Still unsure and have questions popping in your mind like “can I give my dog melatonin?” Take a deep breath; you are in the right place!

Without any doubts, you can give melatonin to your restless dog.

Before giving melatonin, you have to make sure that your dog is not on other medications. Otherwise, you might end up having a puppy with worse health-related conditions. Also, mind that you should not give any supplements to pregnant and newborn dogs.

can you give a dog melatonin

Overall, melatonin comes across with various benefits for essential organs of your dog’s body. So you should not worry about its side effects:

  • It can also save canine kidneys from potential damage by heavy metals and other contaminants. 
  • When it comes to the brain, melatonin may reduce the chances of brain damage.
  • It plays a vital role in protecting the thyroid gland from dysfunction and the heart from oxidative stress.

How Does Melatonin Benefit My Dog?

Want to know is melatonin safe for dogs? Let’s discover. Many dog owners reported that the intake of melatonin benefits their dogs in multiple ways:

Give Relief From Alopecia

Do you know, growth of hair in animals is a complex phenomenon? Animals’ hair has to pass through different stages in their life. They will grow to the best possible length but then die and shed off.

Studies reveal that if your dog has to deal with alopecia (a condition in which the dog’s body is darkened on the flank and back after hair loss), you should give melatonin a try. You will get very effective results.

Ease Anxious Dog

Sometimes, you have a busy routine and don’t give enough time to your doggy. In this situation, when your dog is alone at home, it can get separation anxiety. So, if you want to calm such an extremely anxious dog, melatonin is all you need.

This may also be effective for dogs that have a hilarious reaction to thunderous noises.

Cure Cushing’s Disease

Increased levels of cortisol in dogs cause disturbance in hormonal balance. This condition is referred to as Cushing’s disease.

It can take your beloved pal to unusual hunger and thirst and obesity. It would be best to give melatonin supplements as a practical approach to help with this adrenal disease.

Control Sleeplessness

If your pup’s melatonin levels are disturbed, it will lead to hindrance in their natural sleep-wake cycle. This is particularly beneficial for senior dogs, who often experience sleeplessness more than young dogs. So, consider using synthetic melatonin to balance melatonin levels in the body.

How Much Melatonin Can I Give My Dog?

In the first place, you must consult a highly qualified vet to know the exact dosage for your dog. Before giving any melatonin supplement to the dog, make sure to have a quick look at the ingredient chart.

Never give the supplement that contains xylitol as an ingredient; I repeat never. Otherwise, it will increase the toxicity in its body.

Coming to the dosage chart, the amount of melatonin supplements varies with your dog’s age, gender and weight.

  • If your canine companion weighs less than 10 pounds, the recommended dosage is 1 mg.
  • However, 1.5mg is more than enough for a pup lying between 10-25 pounds. 
  • For moderate to giant-sized dogs (between 26-99 pounds), vets recommend a 3mg per day dosage.
  • Dogs with an excess of body fats weigh more than 100 pounds. The suggested dosage of 6mg works best for them.

What Should I Watch Out for When Giving My Dog Melatonin?

Now, if you’ve done giving correct dosage, you should also take care of the following things before giving these supplements:

  • It is not clear if you give these supplements for a more extended period or not.
  • Also, you should avoid giving melatonin with certain drugs such as anti-epilepsy, anti-coagulants, and steroids.
  • If your dog shows an allergic reaction to melatonin, don’t give any supplement forcefully.
  • Its overdose can react with the normal functioning of sex hormones. For instance, if you continue giving it to a pregnant dog, this may lead to pregnancy loss.
  • Don’t give melatonin to your dog if it already takes sedatives.
  • Dogs with kidney, heart, liver, and lung disorders and bleeding problems should not be given any supplements.

The following side effects are rare:

  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Increased heartbeat rate
  • Itching and swelling
  • Digestive disorders, like stomach pain or an upset stomach
  • Confusion
  • Behavioral modifications

Buy Nature’s Essentials Supplement for Your Dogs

If you are searching for the best alternative to damaging antidepressants for your dogs, Nature’s Essentials is here to help you out by offering all-natural melatonin supplements. This best supplement will offer you the following benefits:

  • You can give it to your dog for 12-weeks without worrying about its possible side effects.
  • The product will maintain your dog’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

Before buying any melatonin supplement, keep in mind that:

  1. The melatonin product is free from xylitol.
  2. The product must follow the exact dosage as recommended by your vet.
  3. The amount of the active ingredient ranges from 2-5 mg per unit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much melatonin can you give a dog?

Its dosage varies with the size of your beloved pal. 1-6mg is usually considered a safe dosage for dogs, depending on their sizes. You can give it in tablet form or mash it and spray it on the food thoroughly. You can also give it orally. Give it to your dog about half an hour before the desired bedtime.

Can you give dogs melatonin to calm them?

Yes, a tiny dose of melatonin can calm and soothe the anxious dog. A study revealed that about 80-85% of dogs show satisfactory responses to melatonin for anxiety problems.

What effects does melatonin have on dogs?

It can benefit your furry friend by getting relief from insomnia and Cushing’s disease. Due to some of its properties, melatonin protects the liver of dogs from the effect of many toxins. However, the excessive dosage for almost 2 months can negatively impact the growth and development hormone.

What can I give my dog to make him sleep?

If your dog howls all night and faces trouble sleeping, melatonin is what you need to let it enjoy a good night’s sleep. Still, it would be best if you consult your vet first before trying any sleep-aid supplement.

What can I use to knock my dog out?

Try melatonin supplements to sedate your dog at night. Usually, about 15 to 20 minutes are required to complete melatonin absorption, and your dog will have the next 7-8 hours of peaceful sleep. You should give it to her just before bedtime, and then melatonin will do its magic.

Is there a natural sleep aid for dogs?

Melatonin, a hormone of darkness, is probably the best natural sleep aid for your cute pup. It may help increase the sleeping hours of your doggy and alleviate its mood. Synthetic melatonin for dogs has been available in the market for the last decade.


In this article, we’ve tried our best to answer your question, “Can you give a dog melatonin”? Isn’t it magical how a substance as simple as this multitasking biochemical(melatonin) can provide benefits to you and your canine companion simultaneously?

We hope that now you are aware of all the potential benefits of melatonin for your doggy. Let me finish the article by saying that don’t try any supplement for you and your pet without the doctor’s advice.

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