July 18th, 2018 by admin




Cinnamon has been highly valued around the world for centuries, and even represented a symbol of status in ancient times. Hebrews used it as a holy anointing oil, Egyptians used it for their sacred embalming processes, in the Middle East Cinnamon was used for perfume and food preservation because of it’s anti-microbial and anti-paracidic and anti-fungal properties. In the Old Testament this precious spice was noted in Proverbs for its use for preparation for romance in the bedroom.

Today, Cinnamon is a powerful tool to support brain health and cognitive performance.†

1. Learning Ability:  One study had promising results for mice-researchers found that after eating cinnamon, poor learning mice had improved memory cinnamon actually increased their ability to learn (1).†

2. Memory: Cinnamon when absorbed affects the brains hippocampus, the brains memory center- one study found that Cinnamon was able to stimulate and benefit this area of the brain. (2).†

3. Cognitive Performance: Another study found that cinnamon may induce cognitive improvement in certain animal models due to is high polyphenol content (3, 4).†

4. Alertness: One study found that Cinnamon can increase alertness and decrease frustration even when just being exposed to the scent of cinnamon and peppermint (5).†

5. Blood Sugar and the Brain: Your brain is one of the most demanding organs in your body and it consumes nearly half of all sugar in the body. Sugar is the brain’s main fuel source, but too much sugar can adversely affect cognition especially those suffering with health issues such as diabetes, may struggle with cognition and impaired brain function over time (6).  Cinnamon has been studied in and may support healthy blood sugar levels  and cholesterol levels already within healthy ranges (78).†


Cinnamon is not only a powerful tool to support brain health, but also offers more promising health benefits according to recent studies:

6. Inflammation: several studies show that Cinnamaldehydes in Cassia Cinnamon help with inflammatory response associated with everyday activity (9, 10, 11).†

7. Immune System: Cinnamon is packed with high power anti-oxidants which block free radicals and support overall immune health but it also may affect immune responses due to its inflammation reducing properties (1213)†.

9. Anti-Microbial, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Parasitic:  several studies also show that Cassia Cinnamon may aid in fighting off damaging microbial agents and parasites due to improvement of microfloral activity in the gut 14).†

10. Weight Loss Support : Cinnamon was found to activate metabolic and thermogenic processes in animal and human models which may aid in weight loss support 15).†



†These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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